Women Weed Wednesday: Looks That Kill
This Women Weed Wednesday we're going to light up some Israeli bud and ogle their smokeshow lady soldiers.
The IDF (Israeli Defense Force) are notorious for their fire power, Most notably for their absurdly attractive arsenal of female soldiers.
So heres a pic dump, that will have any straight man trying to put his embassy in Jerusalem.
Killer Broads of IDF
Credit: Pintrest
Before the foundation of the Israeli state, women provided 20% of the manpower in combat militias.
Those militias would eventually go on to become IDF.
Each year, 1,500 women are drafted into the IDF.
64% serve and 25% opt out for religious reasons. The remainder are excused for other reasons.
The women who serve in the combat have a mandatory service of 2 years and 4 months.
And they must remain in the reserves until the age of 38.
Although looking good while kicking ass isn't necessarily mandatory, they choose do it anyway.
Kosher Kush
Israel has become a bud beacon for the world.
Though marijuana is decriminalized and those who are caught will not be imprisioned, they will still pay a fine, which goes to fund education and rehabilitation programs.
Israel is the world leader in medical marijuana research.
With many researchers hindered by regulations, Israel has become a global base for industry progress.
In 2012, Scientists in Israel created the worlds first "no high" strain, Avidekel, that provides all the medical benefits without the psychoactive effect.
Though not from Israel, the Los Angeles strain, Kosher Kush, was the first strain blessed by a rabbi.
The blessing must've took because the strain went on to win the High Time's indica cup in 2011 and 2012.
Kosher Kush, also known as Jew Gold, has been recorded to reach THC levels of 29%, Which makes the idea of hitting it in oil form insane.
Though Kosher Kush was originally clone only (no seeds sold)
It eventually was bred and mixed with Sour Diesel to form Sour Kosher Kush.
That’s all the Broads and Bud for this week. Check back when we re-up next Wednesday.